Sunday, 15 May 2011

The story so far (month 1)

It seems like there hasn't been much happening for the last few weeks. My tomato and broccoli seedlings have been the same size for ages, with no new leaves or growth. I wasn't having any luck with the beans. But somethings happened in the last few days and suddenly everything is growing! Here's my wildflowers, mixed salad and rocket:

I'm really excited that it won't be too long before we'll be eating this! I'm chuffed with my broccoli and tomatoes too - they've definitely grown, the stems are thicker and there are some new leaves appearing. Yay! I wonder if they have just been concentrating on growing down rather than up and making roots for a while.
My bean saga continues - the beans really quickly got too tall to be unsupported but I was worried about putting them straight outside in case the change of temperature killed them. So I've just put one out at first - to see if it was ok. I felt so bad leaving it out there all alone in the wind and cold at night while I was tucked up in bed! Luckily, it seems to have survived, although the wind has snapped one of the leaves. 
Poor little test bean
I've also planted some peas, so all in all I'd say that the first month has been quite a success! I'm certainly raising a glass to the balcony garden, it's been fun, relaxing and educational, hopefully next month it will be nutritious as well. :)

1 comment:

  1. It seems that you're doing really well! Fun, isn't it? My beans are too tall, they had to be started off indoors so have got a bit leggy. I had some bamboo barbecue skewers from last summer so have used those as supports for now. They'll be hardened off this week and put out next - and I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for their survival! Caro x
